Saturday, January 31, 2009

When Will It End

The title sounds bad "When Will It End.' I hope I can explain the context.
The Kanoe Cafe has been in some circles successful. It has gone through a very tough year and this year might not be any easier. I am a firm believer to support the little guy, the self employed someone that stuck everything into a business to make it in a dream. That is the difference between the franchise corporate owned and independent owned. Corporate will close at a drop of the bottom line the independent will close when he or she drops and says no more.
I knew when i walked in the first day what I was getting into and today i know what I am into.
When will it end is a question asked by many these days and it is not just the little guys it is the big guys too. Red Lobster is looking to either sell or close many stores. I have had several people I looked up to hopping to get advice have closed their doors.
To make it clear Kanoe Cafe is not closing. I want people to have a job and be happy and come in have a coffee and a sandwich and laugh like a big family. Come in and I will tell you what i think of the stimulus package. I pray for the end soon.